What's the program duration and where can I find course information?

The SIE Short-Term Academic Programs of UIBE will open  several sessions in 2024.  For detailed information, please refer to “ Academic Calendar ”. For the detailed course information, please refer to“Course List ”.According to UIBE's academic policies, if a student misses 1/3 of class sessions or above, he/she are not allowed to take the final examination. Absence and lateness can affect student's final grade.

Where can I find detailed course information?

Students can find syllabi in the “course list ”. Each course syllabus includes information about class time, professor, course description, textbook, course requirements and grading policy and etc.

How many courses can I take at most?

Students can take up to 3 courses per session. For detailed course information, please refer to “ Course List ”.

What is the class size?

We expect to have up to 25 students in English Writing and Public Speaking classes. In other classes, the average class size is around 30 students, with a limit of 60.

Do I need to buy my own textbooks?

Textbooks are not provided and students are required to obtain their textbooks before the start of the classes. Students can find links for e-book at “Course List ”.

Can I transfer my credits back to my home university/college after taking the SIE Short-Term Academic Programsof UIBE?

The official transcripts are issued by University of International Business and Economics, which is a fully accredited 4-year universities in China. Each course is comprised of 64 instruction hours and is issued 4 credits. Students need to contact their university's academic advisor or study abroad office for pre-approval/evaluation before the  SIE Short-Term Academic Program starts.

Usually the procedure is simple. The administrative office of SIE Short-Term Academic Programs of UIBE will provide necessary documents such as course description, syllabus, academic policy, and contact information of faculty.

When is the examination and what is the examination format?

Each course usually has one midterm exam during the 3rd week of the program and one final exam on the last day of the program. The exam formats are usually closed-book exam, project presentation and/or research essay. The exam dates, test format and number of tests are determined by professor, so please refer to the course syllabi.

Where should I request the transcript to be sent to?

Many overseas universities and colleges only accept the official transcripts that are sent to the school directly. Hence, we recommend students to state the address of the relevant administrative office of their home school in the "Address which the transcript will be sent to" in your online application. Also, you can refer to our “Credit Transfer Guide ” for more information.

What should I do if I need extra transcripts?

The  SIE Short-Term Academic Programs of UIBE will be responsible for keeping students' academic document. The first transcript and its mailing cost are free. Students need to pay RMB 50 for each additional transcript and be responsible for the mailing cost occurred. Please contact the Administrative Office by emailing iss@uibe.edu.cn or by calling 0086-10-64492682.

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